Monday, September 26, 2011

just an update

Last week we went to our monthly check up and baby is doing wonderfully!!!! His heart rate is good and the results from his anatomy scan we had a few weeks ago showed that he is growing healthy and just like he should. Just puts me at ease to know that right now our son is growing and developing into a healthy little baby.
 He is getting stronger and stronger with his little kicks. At least a couple times per day he kicks me so hard I gasp because he startled me. Before I was pregnant the idea of a baby moving inside me freaked me out!!!! But now its the opposite, when I don't feel him it freaks me out. I actually prefer the moments that can feel him kicking around in there compared the moments that I can't. If it wasn't for feeling him move around I would absolutely hate pregnancy.
Every one says that the second trimester is the easiest, but my back and or my hips hurt almost every day and dealing with heart burn has become a regular struggle. I am still exhausted all the time and I am sure my husband is so tired of me complaining about how tired I am, not to mention he is bored hanging out at home with me I am sure.  Well soon enough we will have a son and we won't have any time to be bored any more.
Just four more months and our little man will be here and then I will have a whole new set of complaints to deal with, but I will have my son!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today is a good day

    Today I went down to the medicaid office to apply for health insurance for the baby and things just worked out smashingly (is that really a word?). While right now we can afford health insurance for the baby, once the baby comes Ted will be decrerasing his hours to just part time so that he can stay home with our son. Making it near impossible to pay for insurance once our son is actually here.
      I have been stressing over how to get the insurance set up before the baby is born, but it looks like I was WAY  ahead of the game. I met with a fantastic lady at the medicaid office who let me know that as long as I apply within 3 months after the baby is born his hospital costs will be covered as long as we qualify. And since we only have to claim that months income that we are applying in, our little man will qualify for medicaid or a low cost  health insurance called CHP+. This has been weighing on me for months worrying about the sky rocketing cost of health insurance and its just a relief to know that our son will be covered.
      It doesn't help Ted out at all, who we still can't afford health insurance for.  I just wish we could have socialized medicine in America so that those of us who are not offered health insurance through our jobs would still have the same access to health care that others do. I could write another 10 pages about my feelings on  Americas health care system, but I will spare you all. After all this blog is supposed to be about my journey through motherhood. So until then, I will just continue to dream that one day all Americans will have equal access to healthcare!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Not Allowed

Just for fun I thought I would create a list of all the things I have heard to stay away from while you are pregnant, some are valid, others are just crazy. Ill let you decide for your self.

1. Alcohol
2. soft cheeses such as brie and queso fresco
3. lunch meat unless its heated up first
4. hot dogs 
5. hot tubs
6. Bath tubs over 100 degrees
7. face wash (seriously people come on)
8. moving furniture (I am OK with this one)
9. dying your hair
10. most seafood
11. sushi
12. cat liter
13. most household cleaners (this one I like because now Ted cleans the bathrooms!!!)
14. pumping your own gas 
15. caffeine
16. Sleeping on your back
17. Laying on your stomach
18. weight bearing exercise
19. wearing make up
20. most medications, including Aleeve, cold medicine, most allergy medications, pain killers, a lot of antibiotics.
21. Sports, including; bike riding, jet skiing, sky diving, soccer, basketball, football, hockey, any team sport where you might get bumped into etc.

Those are the big ones I hear about a lot. Some of those are totally valid but others are ridiculous. I think some one out there is just making this stuff up to validate the desire to be lazy during pregnancy. This pretty much cuts you off from doing much other than just kicking back and watching TV. sounds boring to me....

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Little Man

Now that we know we are having a little boy the excitement has grown exponentially. I cannot wait to meet my son. I am starting to by adorable little boy clothes because I just cant control myself. The thought that Ted and I get to meet our son in a couple of months is just amazing! I love him so much already I just can't wait to see him in person.
I also love to see how excited Ted is about the idea that he is going to be a father! Its just getting more exciting every day. Its still earlier enough in the pregnancy that I am not worried about the pain of labor yet, I am just enjoying the idea of being a mother to my son! What a wonderful feeling.
Just a few items i couldn't resist buying for my little man!