Three nights ago we moved Elliot into his own room at night and so far so good. In fact he has never slept better, he has started to go to bed around 11pm rather than keeping Ted or myself up until 1am or later. He has been sleeping for longer stretches, only waking up 1 time between 11pm and 8am. He seems happy to be in his own room. He has even been less fussy in the evenings, which could be because he is getting older or it could be that we are bringing him up to his room sooner to go to bed. Who knows, but we are loving it!
It was kind of a hard adjustment for me the first night because I was so worried that I wouldn't hear him if he wasn't in his cradle in our room. But with the monitor on full blast and both bedroom doors open it hasn't been an issue. I tend to wake up just by instinct around the time that he wants to eat anyway even before he starts crying and that hasn't changed with him in a separate room.
I think it was a good decision to move our little man into his own room, it seems early by some standards but honestly our whole family is sleeping better. OK our little dog Gulliver might not be sleeping as well but that's just because he worries about the baby when he isn't nearby, its really very sweet.
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