Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Try

     I have have recently started reading friends blogs, which got me interested in the idea of creating my own. I never felt I really had anything special to write about it, and maybe I still don't. But I figured if growing and raising a child isn't special enough to write about then what other major event in my life ever will be?
     So to start off I'll just let every one know who the heck I am. My husband and I have been together for almost 6 years, married for 3 years and I am thankful everyday that I have such a wonderful man in my life. From when we first got engaged we always knew we wanted to wait a little while to have children, and really thought we would wait longer than we did. But eventually we just said to each other "What are we waiting for?" and baam 3 months later I had a bun in the oven!!!!!!
     I am now just entering my second trimester of pregnancy and damn am I glad the first trimester is over. While trying to conceive it never really crossed my mind that I was going to have morning sickness because neither my mom or grandmother ever did, but guess what? I did. I was sick every time I ate especially in the evenings and I barfed so much I actually managed to lose 10 pounds during the first trimester (which is probably a good thing, I definitely had the weight to lose). Now that i am in my second trimester the anticipation of finding out if this baby is a boy or girl is killing me. I just love this baby so much and I can't wait to learn more about him/her.
     To conclude my very first blog ever, all I can say is that being pregnant and beginning my journey towards motherhood is the most thrilling, exciting, scary, overwhelming and joyful thing that I have ever experienced. I am sure it will only get crazier from here.


  1. Great post lady!! I love what you've started and I'll send my readers over to check out your journey.

  2. Welcome to the women around the Circle of Stones. This is an amazing time in your life and how wonderful to honor it with writing. xxoosink
